Grounding is the traditional act of reconnecting with the natural energy of the earth around us by walking without shoes or socks, sitting down on the ground or even using specific devices like grounding mats.
Grounding as we age and navigate menopause
As we age, we can feel ourselves becoming more susceptible to any number of aches, pains and issues which seem to appear from nowhere. Stress can feel harder to deal with and we see a rise in chronic illnesses which are often just accepted as old age, or as a result of menopause. They are therefore assumed to be 'part of life'.
While there are many ways to deal with these different issues, there is one technique which seems to have an all-round, all encompassing beneficial effect for our entire bodies.
The benefits of grounding
Grounding enables us to connect with the natural energy of the earth so we can absorb free electrons and therefore neutralise the free radicals which lead to inflammation. This in turn can help with menopause symptoms such as hot flushes, mood swings, stress and joint pain.
While there is rarely one single answer to many of the issues that we encounter as we go through menopause, taking a pick and mix approach to our health is a wonderful way to improve how we feel and to feel more in control. Using more traditional practices like grounding can be a very simple way to feel calmer as we tackle increasingly complex issues.
In many cultures around the world and through the history of humankind, grounding has inevitably been part of life. Before modern shoes were invented, everyone was barefoot. The practice of walking around without wearing shoes is still popular in many countries around the world.
While grounding certainly isn’t a panacea, I like to think of it as a useful part of a holistic approach to self-care.
Grounding is still under-researched compared to other approaches to health, but the research out there is positive.
So how do you try grounding?
As always, I find the easiest option is often the most effective.
Which is why I suggest you simply walk outside, barefoot, for a few minutes every day or whenever possible.
That’s it.
It’s nothing more complicated than standing or walking outside for a short while. Most people find it easiest to do in their own garden, but any spot in a nearby park would work just as well as long as the area looks litter-free!
In addition to the physical benefits related to walking around barefoot, grounding is a wonderful way to reduce stress and boost our mental health. As you will undoubtedly know – and feel! - stress seems to be more and more ingrained in our everyday lives, especially so for those with caring duties or jobs with responsibilities.
Grounding has been shown to help balance cortisol levels, which are a key factor in our stress levels. By reducing our cortisol levels at the appropriate time, we feel calmer, more focused and more relaxed.
This in turn means that grounding might be able to help us sleep better, something which can be negatively affected by menopause and stress. Grounding is understood to help us regulate our circadian rhythm which is easily affected by stress, caffeine, work and jet-lag. This in turn helps us to fall asleep more easily, sleep more deeply and for longer without needing to resort to sleeping tablets.
When we connect with nature in such a basic yet effective way, we reconnect with ourselves too.
Finding a sense of peace in the frenetic hurry of the modern world is much easier when we take time to ground. This helps improve the way we feel, lower anxiety levels and help us deal with the every day more calmly.
Grounding is an easy and enjoyable practice that feels lovely. It can have many useful benefits as we navigate menopause and as we age. By connecting with the energy of the earth through walking barefoot, we can boost our approach to physical and mental wellbeing with very little effort.
I invite you to see how you can incorporate some grounding into your day – perhaps with a quick walk on the dewy grass in the morning or a five minute barefoot stroll during your lunch break.
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And if you’d like to explore further ways to develop your understanding, check out my Become a Menopause Champion or Become a Menopause Coach Diploma Courses or get in touch to see how I can help provide menopause training for your workplace.