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Who Should Become a Menopause Coach?

Updated: Aug 18

“If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together”

African Proverb

As soon as I got over the shock of being told I had early menopause, and the overwhelming relief of not having early dementia, I was instantly filled with a new sense of purpose.

I knew immediately that I didn’t want any other woman suffering as I had, thinking they had early onset dementia, leaving their job thinking that they no longer cut it.

I didn’t want any other employer losing key talent, simply because they didn’t know how to spot the signs and symptoms of menopause and feel confident signposting effective support.

I got busy devouring and commissioning menopause research, adding to my training and qualifications in multiple coaching methodologies and specialisms around health and nutrition.

All of this led to me working with organisations, media and individual women as an advocate, trainer and executive coach.

Menopause coach Lauren Chiren

My work has resulted in some amazing transformations and today, I am grateful for and overwhelmed by the queue of women thirsty for knowledge and desperate to take back power over their lives.

More organisations than ever before are approaching me, and it’s brilliant to see the tide turning in menopause awareness raising and support.

Victim of Your Own Success

But ... one day I heard that someone had been waiting for months to attend one of my programmes.

I realised that I wasn’t a victim of my success ... it was the women who were having to wait to end their suffering who were the real victims.

When that happened, I knew that I had to let go and invite others to join me in spreading the word faster and supporting more women going through the menopause journey.

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That’s when I decided to create the Become a Menopause Coach programme.

Who is the Programme for?

The programme is open to anyone with a desire to help women through the menopause journey, so that they avoid the doom, gloom and myths of a google search, and get real knowledge, support and results.

The Become a Menopause Coach programme will be particularly relevant for health and wellbeing practitioners and employers who wish to have internal expertise to help their peri to post-menopausal people successfully navigate the transition.

Health and Wellbeing Practitioners:

There are over 13.5 million women in the UK going through the menopause journey and over 86% of them don’t know what menopause is or how it will affect them.

They are desperate for education and support, and with very few places for them to get it, the opportunity to make a difference is huge.

collage womens health

If you are a health and wellbeing practitioner, looking to

  • give additional support to existing older female clients; or

  • focus on the area of menopause education and support; or

  • grow your business and extend your existing services to include menopause support

Then this programme will help you achieve that.


collage women in business

In recent research undertaken by the CIPD, (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development), it was reported that one million women left the workforce citing menopause symptoms as the reason.

Menopause is one of the few taboos left in the workplace, and yet women in the demographic navigating menopause are the fastest growing in the UK today. Nearly two thirds of menopausal women say their symptoms impact their work negatively and 25% say they don’t get the support they need from their manager.

Because menopause can be a designated a health condition, employers’ have a legal obligation to make sure the work environment doesn’t exacerbate the symptoms.

And, although typically more people are aware that there are physical symptoms of menopause, very few know that it’s actually the psychological and emotional symptoms that have the greater impact. (Source: CIPD)

Besides any legal or moral obligation to support menopausal women, it just makes good business sense to do so, as talented, experienced women are off sick or leaving the organisation.

black dress

The great news is that it can be prevented and that’s why the Become a Menopause Coach programme is also perfect for organisations who want to equip:

  • employees who are interested in supporting colleagues;

  • leaders and managers;

  • inclusion and belonging specialists;

  • mental health first aiders;

  • wellbeing champions;

  • occupational health; and

  • HR professionals

... with the skills to offer real support and education to menopausal employees, so that fewer women leave, menopause related sickness absence is reduced, and performance and wellbeing is increased.

“I really felt competent to help my colleagues. I'd always listened to my colleagues, but never really felt 'qualified' to help.
Now, after completing Become a Menopause Coach, I am clearer on what I can do, I'm much more confident helping others”

- Oki, 47, Head of D&I, Global Derivatives company after training as a Menopause Coach

So, How Does it Work?

I’ve designed this six-month programme to ensure that you feel confident, capable and empowered to guide women safely through the menopause maze, without it taking over your life like many other courses and qualifications can do.

By the end, you will be able to teach women what is actually happening to their body and mind and share the tools and techniques that will give them back control and power during their menopause journey.

Along the way you’ll get access to 121 coaching, resources and templates to fast-track your success and your own community of peers for ongoing support.

If you’re curious to find out more about the programme and how to book your place to become a Menopause Coach, then you can do that here

feel good women

Six Months is a Long Time!

You may be wondering why it takes six months to get qualified in menopause coaching, and that’s a valid question.

There are two reasons for this.

Firstly, I wanted to make sure the personal time investment you make is minimised and you can easily fit it into your already busy life.

So whilst there is a lot of ground to cover, it is over an extended period to keep it manageable with all the other demands on your life and work.

The second reason is that the menopause is one of the most complicated conditions around. The latest information suggests there are over 60 recognised symptoms, and more are being discovered almost daily, which means that every woman’s journey is unique.

women nature

I’ve worked with thousands of women since becoming a menopause coach, and over the years I’ve been surprised and fascinated with the way that it shows up differently for each of them.

And I’ve shared more about that in my next blog - Mysterious, Many Faced – Why Menopause Solutions Aren’t One Size Fits All.

Find out more about my Menopause Coaching programme here . The next course runs September 2022 to March 2023, click here to register your interest or if you want to book a call to talk through it, I'd love to hear from you.

Your coach & trainer,


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