Remember lockdown?
(Do skip this blog if you’d rather forget it!)
I remember seeing lots of posts and news about folk who were using the time at home to learn a new skill, improve their sourdough bread baking, or finally get fit.

I too joined the many folks who suddenly found themselves without school runs and in-person work and completed the couch to 5 KM. ITV news even filmed me running around my local park, sharing the benefits of running (jogging in my case) for women going through menopause.
I heard frequently from clients and my wider network about the struggles of trying to juggle ‘the new normal’ (don’t you just hate hearing that phrase?!)—working from home, educating and entertaining children all day long, and trying to maintain a sense of sanity while everything shifted and their partner or housemates hogged the best WIFI spot in the house.
Despite successfully completing the Couch to 5K, I emerged from lockdown somewhat less trim and fit than before!
Despite the exercise I was doing, nothing replaced the 20-30K steps I had done every day when I was travelling the length and breadth of the UK, flying back and forth to the States for talks, and generally being on the go all the time.
In-person work began opening up; life got busier again.
I am still largely working from home, meaning that I still reside behind my desk for too many hours each day.

Recently, I felt the desire to start running again. I want to move my body more, and right now, this is how I want to do it. Out in nature, enjoying the fresh air.
I also joined Yoga with Adriene.
She is utterly inspirational, and if you are yet to discover her work, check it out here: Yoga with Adriene
She makes yoga fun, and I am now a regular participant, at least once each day, from the comfort of my own home.
With both running and yoga, some regular strength work (essential for us post-menopausal women!) and an occasional cold-water swim, I'm beginning to reap the benefits.
As a former PT and amateur athlete, you’d think all I needed to do was don my trainers and sports bra (why do so many of us find we need a much larger bra size post menopause?!). and hit the circuit around my local parks, clocking up the miles.
After all, I know a lot about health and wellbeing, having over 35 years of working in human performance in a variety of roles.
We are never really starting over.
The reality is: life happens, and sometimes we have to reassess where we are at and put energy into reprioritising our health.
We are never really starting over, never starting from scratch. I prefer to believe that we are reevaluating our current situation and making necessary adjustments to our future plans.
I have chosen to follow the NHS Choices Couch to 5K plan again because I love the narrator's encouragement and the specific goals she shares as she supports you through the programme.
There is great benefit to starting where you are, deciding to start, and committing to make it happen.

This mindset—for it really is a mindset—is precisely what I bring to all my menopause work and especially to my menopause teachings.
I didn’t know anything about menopause when I started this journey, so I'm certainly not going to make any presumptions about what people do or don’t know!
Over 85% of women neither know what menopause really is nor how it will impact them.
I was one of those women.
Over the past decade or so, whether through my corporate training and talks or through one of my courses, my aim is always to make starting the journey together interactive, engaging, and, most of all, filled with knowledge, empathy, and fun.
My aim is to help as many people as possible through their menopause, and to do that, my FREE Menopause the Basics course is the perfect place to start.
You might be keen to jump right into the Become a Menopause Coach Diploma so that you can coach others through their menopause journey, in which case, welcome!
You might already know more about menopause and want to develop your understanding of how to champion menopause in your workplace, in which case my Menopause Champion Certificate course will be for you.
I’ve created a number of ways for you to get the information you need, no matter where you are on your journey.
Just like my Couch to 5k adventures, the first step is to make a decision.
I’m always happy to talk through your options and starting point with a no-obligation call. You can book that here. I look forward to meeting you.
